Thursday, July 31, 2014

[show] 4가지쇼 x 聖圭 - Part 1

第一次看這個節目, 剛開始看到這節目的中文翻譯是: "缺德秀" 時, 就片面上翻譯, 我實在不想胖圭上一個節目是用詼諧的方式取笑他的.  後來又看到了一些討論, 很多人是用 "4 種秀" 來翻譯這個節目名稱, 為什麼翻成 "4 種秀", 因為:

這個節目討論了關於聖圭的 4 種真實或誤會....
No1. 像我這樣的人
No2. Another Me
No3. ∞
No4. Answer

並用 4 種角度針對這些話題來看了 "金聖圭"
1. 一般民眾
2. 至親 - SUJU 希澈 & SISTAR 寶拉
3. 成員 - 優賢 & 成烈
4. 金聖圭 

這樣的形式, 真的很令人期待啊!!

7/29 節目出來時, 文字翻譯看了不少, 影片看了不少, 當下覺得... 啊~ 這節目感覺不錯啊!

字幕版出來後, 我花了兩個小時看完這 48 分鐘長的影片.  因為, 每幾分鐘, 我好像就認識了一個我所不知道的金聖圭!

Prelude - 人們認為你這樣.... 無理的惡言們
回答惡言時, 真的覺得你很敢說 XD

Topic #1 - 我這種人... 
民眾 - 黑洞, 有趣, 無力
優賢 - 小心的人
希澈 - 賢明的人

[show] 4가지쇼 - 140729 - 聖圭篇

這真的是個製作的很不錯的節目啊! 能用不同的角度討論大家都討論過的話題, 讓整個節目看起來是展現出新的資訊真的很棒! 這 50 分鐘讓我認識了不同的金聖圭!


DailyMotion: Nanakim1069

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

[album] SUJU 的回歸預告#7 - 140729 - Leeteuk is BACK!!!

希澈 Instagram 更新: Welcome😀😀 #83 #영감 #20051106 #SJ7

東海 Instagram 更新: Lee Teuk is back !! After few hrs later !! SJ coming soon

銀赫 Instagram 更新: Welcome back our leader! #嘴特# #真正的隊長# #我現在結束啦#

始源 Twitter 更新: He is back. @special1004 welcome back. 

Tony Testa Twitter 更新:

[album] BE BACK - Week 2 (140721~140727)

140722 - #hashtag

140722 - 正午的希望曲 - 東雨, Hoya, L & 成種

140722 - 趙正志和張東民的兩點

Monday, July 28, 2014

[show] 4가지쇼 - 聖圭 - 預告篇


現場 live, 節目組也太貼心!! 而且話說, 我差點就 miss 了, 根本不知道有要直播... 還好開始 WIFI 有問題, 所以等我連上時才要準備開始.  剛好看到真幸福啊!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

[album] SUJU 的回歸預告#6 - 140727 - 練舞中!

強仁 Instagram 更新 -- 汗如雨下 ㅎㅎㅎ 敬請期待吧

銀赫 Instagram 更新 -- Siwon Sungmin Kangin Ryeowook Kyuhyun Eunhyuk Leeteuk Heechul Donghae Shindong SJ is back soon


今天從 SM 練習出來!! D-2!!! Leeteuk will be back!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

[news] 聖圭 - 舞台劇 - VAMPIRE ~愛と憎しみの果て~- show time

彩排影片也來了~ 雖然我覺得他其實並沒有參加彩排~ 因為他就出現了那麼... 2 秒 XD

接吻~  咬脖子~~ 



Monday, July 21, 2014

[album] BE BACK - Comeback Week (140718~140720)

140718 - Music Bank - 終於 BACK 啦!!


Back - 開頭前 1:30 的那段真的超喜歡的~ 胖圭第二段領舞時也好愛啊~~

[album] BE BACK - MV & Teaser

<140720> MV 在這周打完歌後才出來的~~  Back 真的好聽啊!! Paradise, Request, Back 是我的 Top 3 啦!!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

[album] SUJU 的回歸預告#5 - All About Super Junior 發行!

雖然這跟 Comeback 沒有太大的關係~ 但是也是因為時隔兩年的 CB, 為了預熱所以出的 DVD 吧!

啊~~ 好久不見的疊疊樂~~ 阿特也快回來啦!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

[travel] 2014 - Korea Trip (140226~0304) - Part 5 - 東雨家, 光化門, 三清洞, KTR


去明洞當然還是要去 Jholic 一下 -- Blue Lemonade...

去年的照片還在! 去年去的時候對他們還沒感覺哩!

樓梯間希澈的簽名 ^^

差一周~ 看不到了 T.T

很幸運, 沒有迷路的找到了東雨家的辣炒章魚店! 

Friday, July 4, 2014

[beauty] Memebox - Superbox #23 - Summer Meeting

This is a box that I've been waiting for!

What's in the box
1. Finco - UV Control Sun block - 60ml - full size

When I wrote this blog post, I've already given this to my friend.  We used Innisfree's summer cream but then she found somehow it doesn't work for her anymore.  So, I gave this to her to try while she visited me and she really liked it.  She has sensitive skin, so if it didn't trouble her, it's good to use!

2. Hope Girl - Power Volume Mascara Waterproof - 7g - full size 

I think... I got something similar before.... from another box.

3. CNKCOS - Transformer Solutin 1st & 2nd - full size

So you mix the 2 bottles together and it'll turn into yellowish jelly.  You're suppose to apply this over red, irritated or sun burnt skin.  So, I "THOUGHT" this can be something good to use for my parents while they like to work in garden during summer.  However, when I look inside the solution bottle, there were something weird floating inside.  I emailed MEMEBOX and confirmed that it's not a good product (bummer!!).  MEMEBOX gave me 4 points as a "refund".

[beauty] Membox - Superbox #24 - Waxing

The only reason I got this box was because I was curious... as usual for all the boxes I've bought :P
I wanted to know if there are other ways other than "shaving" or "waxing" ...

What's in the box:

1. Intercos - Smooth Sensitive Removal Cream - 150ML - full size

The instruction said: Apply the removal cream on areas you wish to wax, wait for 5-10 mins and then just jump into shower and rinse off.  -- hhhmmm OK... if I have wax on me, I don't think I want to "jump in the shower" and have wax cream all over me! hahaha....

2. Benton - Aloe Propolis Soothing Gell - 100 ML - full size

The product contains 80% of aloe barbadensis leaf juice and 10% of propolis extracts -- question: what's the rest of 10%? 

But this would be something nice to put on after shaving or waxing...

3. Angel Factory - Under-Arm White Peeling Perfume Spa - 5ea - full size

So step 1 is to use the yellow side of the peeling pad to cleanse the underarms, exfoliating excessive dead skin and wastes(??).  Then, Step 2: use the white side of the peeling pad to finish of cleansing and moisturize.  Finish off with step 3 to use the white cream over underarms to instantly brighten up and balance out the uneven skin tone.  

I wonder if I can use it elsewhere?  

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

[beauty] Memebox - Colorbox Bundle 2+1

I must be out of my mind when I purchased this.  Not sure what my logic was -- new adventure (maybe??) that I picked the color box rather than the scent bundle box!!

Although it's really fun to get 3 boxes at the same time, it's also a bit overwhelming! Especially when I had to sneak it to my room! ha!

So memebox introduced 2 bundle boxes at the same time:
1. Color Box 2+1 = red, blue & organge
2. Scent Box 2+1 = Rose, Baby Power & Grapfruit

Again, no idea why I picked color box, because look at the color!! it's not something I can wear everyday!
One of the reason I can think of was because I rarely wear scented stuff these days.  I work from home most of the time and my office is fragrance-free area, so, can't wear perfume (~sad~) 

1. RED Box

[news] 2014 INFINITE "그해여름2" 콘서트



7 場啊!!

[album] SUJU 的回歸預告#4 - 希澈 - 140701 Instagram 更新 - 你也在錄音了!

希澈INS更新:Super Junior 7. 是啊... 也要拍張煞有介事的照片傳上來才行呢.... #SJ

<cr: 暖暖醬子啊>

[about] ∞ This is Infinite ∞ - 2014 - 07

<140701> 成員眼中的成員