聖圭: 發生了這麽個事ㅜㅜ得了第一ㅜㅜㅜ感謝 inspirit 朋友們 <cr: 百度INFINITE吧>
聖圭: 彩排中 撲通撲通 忐忑忐忑 <cr: LoveSungKyu_熱戀站>
聖圭: 現在日本的行程全都結束咯 來觀看vampire音樂劇的各位觀眾們和來觀看A-NATION公演的大家 全都很感謝 今天見到很久沒見的成員們比什麽都高興ㅜㅜ <cr: LoveIn_愛無限>
聖圭: 這髮型.. 是東羽? 嗎?
這是 SS6 的預告影片嗎? 這次走西部搞笑風??
140818 - 因為無限在日本有兩天的拍手會, 所以是和成員們一起到日本的...
鮭魚 @ 關西機場 - 因為要一周都見不到面了, 所以要趕快多說點話? 據說那 10 分鍾真是甜蜜的不行啊!!
之前覺得七場好多喔~ 但兩週也就這麼一下子就過去了~~
兩年後!! 一定要稱胖圭去唱軍歌前衝一次夏日演唱會啊!!!
<140817> - 殺氣~~
沒有感覺到左後方發出來的殺氣嗎?? XD
賢: 過來我幫你弄一下
洙: 恩.. 恩
烈: (驚~) 你~~~~
圭: (火~~~~) 走著瞧~~
終於等到 Kyu Day 啦!!
Kyu Day 所以被老大規定要撒嬌
今天~ 利特正式回到了 SUJU ...
好久不見的~~ 우리는 슈퍼주니어예요!!!
有 Part 2 簡直是 amazing!
Aug 9, 2014
昨天@韓庚 在西安參加天梭表活動,韓庚與SJ成員希澈的合影在網絡上瘋傳,這次的合影就讓不少歌迷感慨萬千。韓庚對此回應:“也沒有什麼特別的事兒,就是我在韓國拍戲,和老朋友見見面敘敘舊。我個人倒是很願意和以前的成員合作的,但具體還要看公司是不是願意。” 原來以為的後會無期不過是時間煮雨。
Aug 13, 2014
SM公司對我有知遇之恩,公司裡有我尊敬的老師和朋友,無論過去,現在和未來,我所獲得的都源自於他們的幫助。雖然今天我們選擇了不同的方式去繼續走自己的路,但我心裡一直希望他們都好。 還有,一直陪著我的粉絲,是我的驕傲!
天... 真的快下紅雨了~ 就像最近東團和 J 團互相隔空傳話一樣, 這應該是李老先生為了能在 10 年後的合體演唱會賺一筆養老金而鋪路吧~
我曾今也很希望能有歸隊的一天, 也希望 SUJU 能回到 12 人~ 但是, 真的不強求了. 現這這樣, 也很好~ 有些回憶, 就當做回憶就好, 不能強求他再實現~~~~
This past months I've been getting 2 or 3 boxes per shipment, I think, it's getting a bit out of hand.. haha
1. The Skin House - Aloe Water Mist - 80ml
I'm going to put this beside my computer so it'll be easy to reach!
2. Organia - White Organia Aloe Vera Soothing Gel - 300g
I remember when I was young we grow Aloe at the back yard and we used to apply it to the skin directly -- this is very calm and nice.
3. Secret Key - Intense Ice Sleeping Pack - 100g
So cooling is fine but "ice" sleeping pack? Wouldn't it wake me up?
This is my first Global Box! Excited!
1. 23 years old - CX Detoxifying Air Therapy - 1ea - full size
Interesting... so I not-injecting, just apply the Carboxy pack all over the face and place the mask sheet on top. Not so sure why do I still need the mask if I'm applying the cream like thing on my face directly. It's also interesting that the instruction said that it'll create "sparkling bubbles" on the face -- hmm, can't wait to give it a try!
And! This thing is 50USD? I don't think so!!
2. Donga - Tempo Eco Natural Super - 3ea - sample
I wonder what's the reaction if a guy buys the box? hahaha
Too bad I don't really use tampons -- this brand is the first Korean brand that produced women's tampons back in 1970s.
3. CNP Cosmetics - CNP Derma-Scalp Shampoo - 25g - sample
It's always nice to get some travel size shampoo, but it's weird when it doesn't come with a conditioner!